Giving Back

Anne Frank said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” In 2019, Neon Canvas really wants to take that message on board. Beginning in January, our team will be working together to give back to our Memphis community in meaningful ways every month. Now more than ever, we feel it is important to form strong connections with our fellow citizens by reaching out and building each other up. One way we’re able to do that is by volunteering our time and talent in a variety of settings, big and small!

Many of us already volunteer individually. Fostering for the Humane Society, working on behalf of the Special Olympics, going on mission trips, and even giving blood regularly – the desire to make a difference is there. But we believe that investing in our community as a team is an important way of giving back to the city and the people who help support our business, and we can’t wait to get started! Each month, a team member will pick a place to volunteer, and the rest of us will show up with our hearts and hands ready. We love Memphis, and we’re so excited for the chance to work with our neighbors and friends to create positive change in our community!

We hope to share some of our adventures here on the blog from time to time. You won’t want to miss out when we do, so follow us on social media or check back here regularly for updates on what we’ve been up to. If you know of a charitable organization or cause that could use a little Neon Canvas team spirit, give us a shout! We’d love to hear your suggestions on how we can make Memphis a better place, one act of kindness at a time. In the meantime, we’ll take Anne’s advice and get started on improving the world around us!

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